Daughters of Penelope

Since November 16, 1929


Daughters of Penelope, District 7

The Mission of the Daughters of Penelope is to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, Family and Individual Excellence.

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Together, we can accomplish more!
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Daughters of Penelope, District 7



Lodge Officers


Contact District Lodge: dopdistrict7@gmail.com

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Elisa (Lisa) Marotta

email: esmarotta@gmail.com

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Lt. Governor

Marcella Calagias, PDG


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Christina (Tina) Smith


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Penny Pecka, PDG


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Katina Arnold


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District Advisor

Anna-Helene Grossomanides, PGP


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Grand Governor Zone 2 / Liaison D7

Patty Didik



Past District Governors Page

Contact District Lodge: dopdistrict7@gmail.com

For corrections, errors or omissions, email webmaster

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The Mission of the Daughters of Penelope is to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, Family and Individual Excellence.