Scholarship Page

Yankee District 7

Scholarship Program

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Yankee District 7

Scholarship Program

Scholarship Application for 2025

Application deadline: April 15th



Past Recepients Page

Yankee District 7
Scholarship Program2021 Yankee District Scholarship Recipients.

AHEPA Educational Offerings


AHEPA Chapter Scholarships:

They vary significantly by chapter. For additional information, contact your local chapter President. Chapter Pages

AHEPA Yankee District #7 Scholarships:

  1. Eligibility:

    1. Applicant must be currently attending college or graduate school and plan to enroll as a full-time matriculated student in the next academic year.

    2. Applicant must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

    3. Applicant must either be a member or child of a member in good standing of the District #7 AHEPA Family organization.  A member is defined as being in good standing if all financial obligations to his or her Chapter, the District Lodge, and National have been paid in full.

    4. Applicant or parent/guardian must have become a member of the AHEPA/DOP Family organization prior to December 31, 2022.

    5. Applicant is eligible to receive a maximum of three (3) District #7 Scholarships.

    6. For the purpose of verifying eligibility, application forms must be signed by the President or Secretary of the applicant’s AHEPA/DOP/SOP/MOA Chapter of Yankee District #7.

Current Scholarship

Application deadline: April 15


The AHEPA National Scholarship program:

For high school seniors, college and post-graduate students who are looking to become tomorrow's leaders. Must be member of AHEPA Family or child of a member. Administered and funded by the AHEPA National Educational Foundation.
Additional information: National Scholarship: 
Application deadline: April 15

AHEPA Athletic Awards:

Five athletic/scholastic awards ranging from $1,000 to $4,000; 1 for college students, 3 for high school students, 1 unspecified. Administered nationally by the AHEPA Department of Athletics.
Additional information:
Application deadline: April 15


Attention Greek-American High School Juniors! Apply for the opportunity to be one of a small, select group of students selected from all over the country to participate in an interactive leadership and networking seminar to be held on the campus of George Mason University outside Washington, DC, usually the last week of June or July. Administered nationally. This is an educational opportunity, not a scholarship, but a chapter may sponsor local students who are accepted to the national program.
Additional information:
Early action application deadline: March 1

AHEPA Journey to Greece:

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to earn college credit while learning about ancient and modern Greece. AHEPA and the University of Indianapolis have joined forces to offer an unforgettable experience to young people at the University's Campus in Athens. This is an educational opportunity, not a scholarship. A chapter may consider sponsoring a local student for part of the fee.
Additional information:
Application deadline: March 31

Maids of Athena Students! We have just released our scholarship application, so head on over to our website and apply! There are 3 scholarship awards available for any active MOA ladies in college, undergrad, grad school, or graduating high school!
 Deadline is May 31


Our Maids of Athena website has just been updated to feature all the District Scholarships.

Email your District,

For corrections, errors or omissions, email webmaster

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AHEPA Mission Statement:

To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, integrity,
and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.