AHEPA Districts 7, 8, & 9
New England Regional Convention
MAY 3, 2025
Registration Deadline is April 25, 2025
Registration Form & Hotel Reservation
2024-2025 D7 Convention Nominations
Should you need to call Group Reservations directly, they are available Monday - Friday 9am - 5 pm at 1 888 HOLIDAY (1 888 465 4329). Individuals must state they are with AHEPA.
Cut-off Date: 05/02/2025.
Seated: John Melonopoulos, DG; Jack Isaac, SG; John Grossomanides, PSP; Standing:Terry Mitchell, PSS; Rick Semon, Sen. Lou Raptakis (RI); Ioannis Apostolokis; Vagos Hadjimichael; George Grossomanides; Manny Cosmas; Tony Vallombroso; George Bouzakis; George Ververis; John Fakis; Andy Aros; Greg Stamos, PSC; Demetrius Tasoulas, Lt. Gov.; Tony Petros, PDG; Paul Velezis; Alex Boutsioulis, PDG; George Scarveles, PSG; Greg Simones, PDG
District 7 Convention, Hilton Mystic, Mystic, CT, September 19, 2020: Twenty-three (23) AHEPANs attended the Conven5on, which was limited in attendance and duraton due to COVID-19. Our honored guest in attendance was AHEPA Region 4 Supreme Governor Jack Isaac. AHEPA electons resulted in the following slate of officers for 2020-2021: District 7 Governor Demetrius Tasoulas, Lt. Gov. Evangelos Hadjimichael, Secretary John Fakis, Treasurer Alex Boutsioulis, PDG. Major issues discussed were: a comprehensive district strategy for Hellenic Affairs, a proposal that Conventon City fees should apply to chapters every year except every during NERC years (every third year), and a proposal that the District support an athletic scholarship at the Natonal level through our Scholarship Foundaton.